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Austin’s Recovery, as it moves along.

When Austin had his accident, we had an immense outpouring of prayer and support. We have continued to receive that, and those prayers have been the oomph that have kept us moving. We know now that Austin is going to make it–his life was certainly spared from death. And we are so grateful.

We’ve seen the health come back to closer to baseline, and that has been encouraging.

Now, when Austin appears “healed”, “normal”, and “so much better”, he still really needs our prayers.Austin’s recovery

Before–he was recovering bodily. Rest was part of life, because his body demanded it. Now, as he looks good, and knows he’s out of the woods medically, it’s the showing up every day that’s the job of life.

He’s learning to use some tools to help move his body. One device lifts his broken leg so he can manipulate it. Another is his walker/cane thing that makes it possible to walk some. But, Guys, it hurts!Austin’s recovery

I know that pain is part of life with rehab. He knows this too. But, he wouldn’t be human if he didn’t have days when he just doesn’t feel like jumping through all these hoops just to get to the bathroom. To wonder if he will regain movement in his arm, and how long all this will take before he can play soccer with the guys again. He’s dealing with the reality that driving won’t happen for months, and just the challenges of disability, no matter how short term it may be.

These are the things that we can focus on in our prayers.Austin’s recovery


Austin is nineteen. He’s an active young man. He worked two jobs because he’s a motivated person. He doesn’t like to sit around. But here he is–learning how to deal with all of that. Maybe I’m dealing with all of these thoughts, fearing for him a little. I’m just a human, and moms kind of worry about their kids, no matter how old they get.

Nobody smiles all the time. We have tears when we’re alone. Austin’s a fighter, God isn’t done with him, but I’d appreciate if you’d pray for his heart. He’s been through an awful lot. Pray that he doesn’t become bitter. Pray that he learns to lean on God and that he finds peace in all of this. And if you would, just include us as his family. We are tired. We are stressed, and there’s a lot pulling at each one of us besides all of this with Austin.

God is with us. He’s with you. Sometimes, the daily stuff just gets overwhelming.

Thank you for understanding.

On a positive note–we celebrated Greg’s birthday with Austin yesterday. Carried in pizza and cupcakes and had the family together. That was nice. 😊 It’s the sprinkles of life that make it easier to keep moving along.Birthday Cupcakes

Keep pressing on and we will too!


PS. If you want to send Austin a message of encouragement, This is his Instagram account. I think you can message him even if you’re not contacts. 😊

This is his Facebook profile.

10 Replies

  1. Forward! Every day closer to strength.
    Let him know I had to totally learn to walk again. Right leg fx. Surgery. Broke 10 bones. The journey is daily but forward. God has a plan. Stay busy. Your doing great!

  2. Austin, I am so praying for every day and several times a day. I love you so much and want you to able to get up and resume your life. Keep strong even when it gets hard to do. You are awesome!!
    Love Grandma

  3. We continue to pray for Austin’s recovery. I think he’s strong and determined so he’ll make it to full rrcovery

  4. Hello Austin, when I heard about your accident from a friend I was amazed you survived such a terrible ordeal. Then I heard about how you worked two jobs, played soccer I knew you were a determined hard working kid! You are healing, it may seem slow but keep fighting, take one day at time. Your job now is to heal, it’s hard work but you can do it! You don’t know me, I’m just another grandma, who has grandkids and cares! Praying for you!🙏

  5. Your whole family and especially Austin is in our prayers each day. We wish there was something more tangible that we could do.
    Just remember “God never leads His children otherwise than they would choose to be led…” But I well know that the everyday life circumstances can become overwhelming. Praying for rest, peace and courage and an extra measure of Trust in God for each one of you.

    1. I wish there was something tangible I could do too. It’s a testing time. But you are right. When we pray for God to lead for the salvation of our children, we don’t really mean for bad things to happen. But we do have to trust that He knows what He’s doing.

  6. Hi Austin. You are a living miracle. Praying for you and your family. Remember that with God all things are possible. Sending our love- Ms. Miriam

What is your experience? 💜 I read every comment, and so many times I find that I gain encouragement from what’s shared. ❤️