Solar Eclipse 2024 in East Tennessee

Did you catch the Solar Eclipse 2024? Everyone is talking about the solar eclipse 2024. Everyone except me. I didn’t get into it much, because I am a realist. Don’t get me wrong! We love the solar eclipse. In fact, for the last solar eclipse, in 2017, I packed the boys up, drove three hours,…

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Trailing Arbutus, 2024

Trailing Arbutus Trailing arbutus First flower of Spring Bashfully hiding away I seek under leathery leaves in the moss Til your soft petals I spy one glad day ~ Your pink and your creamy white blossoms peek out From the ground which you hug tight and dear The perfume of stately old ladies inhale I…

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Beauty from Ashes. Ultimate Blog Challenge, Day 1

Beauty from Ashes That’s the story we crave, isn’t it? Something lovely from the ruins of whatever knocked us down. I am a believer that God can bring beauty from ashes. So today, I decided to pray for that. I have not had the heart for blogging or blogging lately. I can’t describe why, I…

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