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Sabbath Blessings

Wisteria on stone wall with words counting our sabbath blessings

I’m taking a moment to recount some Sabbath blessings from today. I’ve fallen down on keeping up with my blogging every day challenge, mostly due to taxes taxing my time.

But today I looked at no tax documents! Hallelujah! I’ll count that as the first of my Sabbath blessings!

Rest from our labors.

If you don’t take Sabbath rest, you are definitely missing out! Our bodies and brains need a break from all of the cares of life. People even live longer, on average, who keep Sabbath. It’s one of those unexplainable truths that less can be more.

Below is a really interesting video about this.

Sabbath keepers live longer
Sabbath keepers live 11 years longer!

Friends and Fellowship

Today, we enjoyed church as is our usual practice. I found comfort and encouragement from some unexpected friends. Sometimes catching up and looking for ways to lift others up brings Sabbath blessings to myself and the others.

We shared potluck, always an adventure! Today’s meal was unremarkable, but the fellowship, priceless.


Prayer Blessings

Girl with hands in air with words counting our Sabbath blessings

A few families shared in an impromptu “meeting”, and that ended up in a prayer circle where we interceded with God for the hearts of our young people. The pull of the world is strong, and we long to see each of these precious youth in heaven.

I am excited/humbled/challenged to ramp up my prayers for all of them. We as parents made a commitment to meet after church to pray week by week. I had no idea we’d take this time, but that’s one of the Sabbath blessings that stands out to me.

I wanted to share this short prayer with you/for you.

Prayer for you! ❤️

Took a Drive

Next my husband and I took a drive to Knoxville, around 1.5 hours, to visit a sick church friend. We are both glad we went, and although the visit was brief, it was good. We often take our health for granted until something happens to it.

Wrapping up the Day

Night sky with moon and trees
Moon over Ridge Haven Homestead

Now, as we are driving back home at sundown, I’m looking out the windows of the car and appreciating the blossoms of the redbuds. They’re not as bright as in the beginning of the week, but they are still colorful.

Did you know you can eat Redbud blossoms? They’re actually quite tasty!

(See these posts to find out what’s good to eat outside!)

Foraging Wild Edibles. What to Eat in the Forest

Wild Edible & Wildflower Walk. Seven Islands State Birding Park

Eat Your Weeds! Adventures with Wild Edibles

Thoughtful Gifts can be Blessings

Decorative lantern with candle

One more of our Sabbath blessings is a decorative lantern that our church gifted our family with today. That was very thoughtful, as a token of their care and concern after my husband’s father passed away. Decorative lantern with cardinals

More Blessings

My friend likes to remind me to count my blessings. Those above are just a few from today.

The Spring flowers, which bring me much joy, our kooky cats–those are also blessings I appreciate. I just saw another one–some beautiful wisteria hanging from the trees down our road! What a cool plant!

(Yes, I’ve heard that wisteria is actually a parasite, but let’s just forget that little detail right now).

We’ve got peeping frogs, a cool breeze, and twinkling stars. I can see the distant lights of our little town, and hear the night birds. God is good. He brings many Sabbath blessings. Sundown sky

Good night from Ridge Haven Homestead

What are some blessings that you can name? I’m sure you can think of a few!

Until next time,

Keep counting your blessings!


Ridge Haven Homestead Blog, Book of Nature, Home-Tested Faith ,

2 Replies

  1. It sounds like you had a wonderful day! My day was a bit quieter, and I found that I needed the rest. It was really windy and that definitely discouraged outdoor adventures! There will be other days for that!

What is your experience? 💜 I read every comment, and so many times I find that I gain encouragement from what’s shared. ❤️