Good Morning to You, Friends!
As the sun gently brings light to my sleepy eyes, I gradually wake up, and I listen to the sounds around me. Today the birds are quiet so far. They are probably too cold to sing.
We’ve had a sudden end to our balmy November weather, and I’m snuggled under the covers still. It’s chilly!
While I don’t hear the usual bird songs, I do enjoy the lilting melody of our pipe wind chimes. Mom got them for us several years back, and they are specially tuned for the notes of Pachabel’s Canon in D. No–they don’t play the song, just the notes randomly as the breeze moves the pipes. I’ve never been too much into tinkly chimes, but these melodious ones are very soothing. Kind of like church bells. 🔔 It’s a good way to wake up.
On my mind
I’ve had some rather deep conversations lately with loved ones and friends. One as he faces the end of his road, and another mother with heavy burdens for her son. Common to both is the desire and urgency to know that family members are right with God. Parents and grandparents who love the Lord do not have peace knowing that their loved ones may be lost. It really is a burden that they carry over and over again to God. And while we all live making our choices day by day, there are really only a few truly important choices in the end.
When we look back on our lives in honest reflection, the main thoughts on most of our hearts are:
- Are we ready to face our life’s record?
- Have we made things right with others and God?
- Does our family know how we feel about them?
- Will our loved ones be ok? This may be materially, but it’s also forefront whether they will be ok spiritually. Believe me–when a person faces the reality of dying soon, he mostly wants to know that he will see his loved ones in heaven. That is his strongest desire.
I’ve seen this in the loved ones in my family, but also with others I’ve known. We all want to connect with people we love–to see them one last time, and we don’t want the end to be the end. If we love God and have surrendered to His ways, we will have peace for ourselves, but there is unrest that comes when we think of others. And the prayers of a godly mother, a praying father, a caring grandparent, or a devoted sibling or friend–these have the power to impact others even after the person praying is gone.
As these thoughts and conversations have swirled around my head, I’ve also been doing a lot of praying for those on my heart. We never know when our time will end here on earth. We may have today, but not tomorrow. I pray a lot for my boys, and other young people especially. This world is captivating and evil. I pray that they will hear God speaking to them and listen. I pray that they will surrender their lives to the Lord and follow His ways, that they may be spared much pain and the baggage of a life of sin. Honestly–I pray that the Lord will do whatever it takes to save them. I hear this thought mirrored in the talks I’ve had with other mothers.
I can’t perfectly express what is going through my head. But I do just encourage you, Friend, to keep praying for your family and to personally surrender to Jesus. In the end, our vision tends to clear up, and often we see all the ways that we’ve been tricked by the glitz of the world. Almost universally–people and relationships are what matters when it really matters.
Thank you for listening to my musings.
Welcome to the Sunday Sunshine Blog Hop!
The Sunday Sunshine Blog Hop
This is a place to share some love and spread some sunshine!
The focus of this blog hop will be: anything related to making our homes more sunny and happy! If that’s through homemade cooking, a health tip that will help another, homesteading tips, homeschool successes or real-life struggles, or just whatever God is impressing you with in your home journey, please share it!
Guidelines for the Sunday Sunshine Blog Hop 🌤
- Click on the “Add your Link” Button below and add a great image of your project or recipe. Make sure you link to the page of your family friendly post – not the main page of your blog.
- Link up to three posts each week.
- Try to visit at least a few other blogs at the party. Be sure to leave a comment to let them know you stopped by.
- Link your post back to the Sunday Sunshine Blog Hop. If the hop isn’t linked to your post then you cannot be featured. All featured posts will be shared on my Pinterest/Social Media.
- Please link up posts that you haven’t linked to the hop before. You are welcome to link old posts from your blog.
- By joining the party, you are giving me permission to use one photo from your post with a link back to your site if it is selected as one of next week’s Features.
- This is a family-friendly link up! You are welcome to share home and family-oriented blog posts, focusing on homeschooling, homesteading and homemaking. Christian-friendly content, highlighting healthy life choices to encourage others!
Features for this Week
10 Super Soup Recipes to Make this Fall

Thank you to everyone who came to participate. ♥️
Have a great week, and feel free to share the hop with others!

Laurie, the world is definitely evil. It upsets me to think about the future and how much more worse it is going to get. Not an ideal place for my grandbabies, so I pray and I pray hard…Thanks so much for hosting. I linked up with #8 A Few Quick Questions for Bloggers and Readers (About Ads and Affiliates). We have a variety of link parties going on right now, won’t you linkup with us?
Thanks again for hosting this charming party every week! I know how much time goes into doing so and I want you to know that it I truly appreciate it!! Stay safe, healthy and happy!!
Laurie, I am so thankful to have found your blog today. We are certainly on the same page, and I just loved reading this post. My heart stays burdened over the lost and also the way our world is going. I expect Jesus to come at any moment. Things are so dark and evil. May we keep our eyes on Him and be ready to meet Him in peace. God bless you!
Thank you for taking the time to share your heart.
Let’s keep praying.