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Simple Homestead Recipe–Refreshing Melon Freeze!

(Boys Can Cook Series)

Refreshing Melon Freeze

I don’t usually do random recipes, but this one hit the spot so well last Sunday that I just had to share my son’s SIMPLE RECIPE! The Refreshing Melon Freeze will cool you off FROM THE INSIDE OUT–exactly what you want on a hot summer day!

We like to work together as a family, and when the heat cranks up, we still keep going, misery or not! My husband is accustomed to working outdoors. But I am not! I’m a pitiful redhead, who’d prefer the indoors when it’s so crazy hot out there! Ugh! ?

Refreshing Melon Freeze.  Simple and Satisfying

So when my boys and I had a day weeding out in the hot sun, we came in all sticky and sweaty.  We needed something to eat, but heavy food was out of the question!

Andrew whipped this up in no time, and how thankful we all felt!

Freeze your extra melons!

A couple of days have passed since that day, but I still wanted to pass this recipe along. Whenever you have surplus melon, pop it in the freezer to always be ready for a scorching day, like those that hit mid-summer.

Make you own refreshing melon freeze. Use whatever type of melon you have on hand. Obviously, for this one we used cantaloupe! But a mix of melons is also very refreshing.


Also–note that this is a totally plant-based, or vegan recipe. You can slurp it to your heart’s content, knowing that you are consuming no cholesterol or harmful fats.

Melons–so refreshing!

The thing about melons is that their water content and electrolyte composition makes them a wonderful treat for the summer months, when you are sweating like crazy. My husband, who works outside all day, can actually subsist on melon for his lunch during the hottest days of the year.

Refreshing melon freeze

Now for the recipe! This is so simple that I can hardly dare to call it a recipe, but sometimes we need something to jog our memories when we go blank on what to whip up quickly.

Refreshing Melon Freeze


Refreshing Melon Freeze

Prep time: 5 mins


  • Approx 6-8 cups (one melon) Cantaloupe, watermelon, or honeydew, cut and peeled, FROZEN
  • 1-2 cups coconut milk–canned or refrigerated
  • 1/2 tsp powdered Stevia, or honey, to taste


Combine all ingredients in strong blender (we use a Vitamix) and pulse until chopped up. Then BLEND until smooth.


Makes 2-3 servings.

For an extra special treat, top with a dollop of the Sweet Vegan Cashew Cream.  Recipe found here in this post.

If you don’t have frozen melon on hand, use fresh, and throw in a handful of ice cubes. It will work, but it’s nicer texture with the frozen melon.

Refreshing melon freeze

Enjoy on a hot day!

This recipe was featured on the Happy Now Blog Hop!  Check it out and enter your own posts to be featured and shared!

11 Replies

  1. This sounds so refreshing! I always have left over watermelon! Thanks for linking up with us at the #WednesdayAIMLinkParty 41

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