Are you in need of MORE Bible Promises for your Homestead?
I know that I am!
Once I finished last week’s page of wonderful Bible Gems, more and more kept coming to my mind! I decided not to keep them to myself, but to share them, as more encouragement for our journeys!

“Last week” somehow turned into several months! I began this article right away with good intentions and never got it to the press! Something in life happened, and I can’t even remember what! ?♀️
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More Bible Promises for Your Homesteader’s Heart
In case you missed the first page, you can find it by clicking here. Bible Promises for Homesteaders–Free Printable for You! In this first page, you’ll also find the blank page for filling in your own favorite promises!
So many Bible Promises!
But the Bible contains THOUSANDS of promises, and that’s because God wants us to know His thoughts towards us! Why? Because if we know that our God cares for us, sees our needs, and has a plan, we can take courage in whatever current struggle we happen to be in.
Claiming Bible Promises is one way that we engage in war against Satan. He works to bring our thoughts low, and if we stay with those thoughts, we will get depressed.
Change your Brain
By reading, claiming, and believing God’s promises, we can literally change our brains! As we choose facts over our fears, we make it easier to believe! New pathways are formed in our brains, and little by little, and old pathway shrinks!
So, let’s get to those promises!
More Bible Promises for Homesteaders
Once again, I will list the promises here, and at the end of this post, I will link a download for a printable of all of these promises. This will be Page Two. To get last week’s (last time’s) download, please click on the above link.
MORE Bible Promises for Homesteaders
But, seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and ALL these things shall be added into you.
Matthew 6:33
Bible Promise Books
I like to thumb through my Bible Promise Book(s) and look for verses that pop out at me. I have two, and use them both.
This one was given to me when I went away to spend two years in boarding academy. People from my church wrote encouraging notes to me inside, and those notes still bring me encouragement, thirty years later!
This is the page with my favorite entry–an honest little note from my dad, encouraging me of God’s love and my parents’ love.
You can still find this Bible Promise Book in most Christian book stores and readily online.
The other Bible Promise book is also helpful to me. I think it belongs to my husband, but it’s organized differently, with problems listed alongside the corresponding promises. It’s compiled by Glen Coon, who wrote the book, The ABC’s of Bible Prayer, which is a handbook on how to claim promises in prayer.
While doing a little searching, I found a file of the entire promise book, God’s Promises Solve My Problems on PDF, and it’s free! It’s old but good! ?
But my God shall supply all your needs, according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus
Philippians 4:19
And Lo, I am with you alway, even into the end of the world!
Matthew 28:20
And be content with such things as ye have, for He bath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.
Hebrews 13:5
My presence shall go with thee, and I will give thee rest.
Exodus 33:14
Rejoice in the Lord alway, and again I say, Rejoice!
Philippians 4:4
(Sometimes we don’t have to wait for a sunny ☀️ day to rejoice. We can do it by principle even on the stormy days ⛈ . “Feelings follow faith”).
We have faith that soon this Lady’s Slipper will bloom. We can also have faith that good will eventually come out of our homestead as well.
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything, by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made to God.
And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:6-7. NKJV
To get your free printable, just click on the download link below.
Bible Promises for a Homesteader’s Heart
Homesteading is hard work!
Sometimes it’s discouraging!
Why not focus on God’s goodness thru His promises, and see how your outlook can change!
What is your favorite Bible Promise?
Don’t forget to leave a comment below, and follow us on Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram!
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