Meet the homestead cats
They say a house is not a home without a cat!
We would hate to have just a house! Cats add entertainment and sometimes frustrations, but we’d not have a home without them! We try to keep things cozy around the homestead by keeping the cats happy! And the cats keep us company too!
From time to time, you’ll see our cats. They’re out and about, take walks, tend the garden, dig, and trim the herbs for us. Pretty handy creatures. If only we could train them on WHICH herbs to trim!
You can meet each homestead cat by name.

This is Hairball, our oldest homestead cat. He’s half deaf, around 15 years old, and has proven himself to be as faithful as they come. We used to think he was a bully, but now we know that he was just misunderstood and slandered by all the female cats he lives with. Hairball is a big sweetie, and lately you will find him snuggling on a furry blanket, or on someone’s lap if they let him!
Hairball is slow and easy going. Always has been. His voice is no more than a whisper, except on the rare occasion when someone steps on his tail, which brings out the strength to his vocal cords.
To say that, “everyone loves Hairball” would be no exaggeration.

Poppy is a peculiar kitty. She has a sweet heart, but you’ll rarely ever see her to find this out. Poppy spends most of her days hiding under the bed, running away from strangers, including members of our family, but she does have her favorites. Poppy loves Greg, and Greg seems to understand Poppy. I’m on Poppy’s acceptable list too. When we first got her, she hid under our bed for a week before finally venturing out, but no farther than our bedroom door.
Until bedtime.
When the boys were small, Poppy knew exactly when they should be in bed. Out she could come at around 8:15 pm, ready for some peace and quiet. If we were late, she’d be looking down the hallway to see what was up. Then, she was happy to eat a small bowl of popcorn, which is what ultimately earned her the name of Poppy Popcorn, obviously shortened to just Poppy.
Poppy’s language of communication is scolding. She’s very good at voicing her opinion, and usually does it loudly. If you are fortunate enough to catch a glimpse of Poppy you will find that she is always fearful, but every now and then she gets brave enough to come out for long enough to lick Greg’s stubbly chin.
Little Bit

Little Bit is a cat with much personality. She’s a free talker, scared of strangers, but she knows who her family is. Little Bit is a seasoned traveler, having braved a cross-country trip to California, and five months in a camper with the family. Little Bit is also very good with her opinions, and fairly free with her love. On a good day.
On a bad day she will simply ignore you or turn her back on you.

Tiger is our orange ball of fluff, who is loving and affectionate when she wants to be, and aloof and unavailable if it’s not her day. Tiger spends her time sprawled out right where you want to stand, and she doesn’t like to be budge when she’s comfortable. Tiger will sit on your lap if it’s her idea, but mostly she likes to sit beside you, were you can properly adore her. Tiger loves to take walks with us, but she never gets more than about 10 feet before she flops down on the ground and put her legs up in the air.


Stinker has sass. Stinker is Tiger’s daughter, and gets along with Tiger and Hairball. She thinks she a bold adventurer both inside the house and out along the trails. She would like to have more adventures. Stinker has a loving heart in spite of her name and loves to snuggle with the boys, as well as chat if you come to visit her in her house.
A Cat Makes it Cozy
A house is just a house without a cat! Each furry friend contributes in some small or big way to what makes our homestead a home.

A cat just makes things cozy!!
Over the years, we have enjoyed many stories in our home. Some of our favorites have been written by Jim Herriot.
We own the Treasury of Animal Stories, and some of my favorites from that book include Buster, The Cat About Town, and The Cat Who Came for Christmas. But they’re not all cat stories. The story about Blossom the cow is quite memorable!
There is a collection of just cat stories, too, which is on my list for Kindle. He just has a way of relating his experiences that can make you laugh or even cry!
How many Cats does Your Homestead Have?
What are your favorite Cat stories?
Can you tell which color are my favorites?
They are all adorable! Tiger though!!! We have three farm cats. My sister “donated” two. The day she brought them from the city I had prepared to set a place up in the barn so they could get used to things (like knowing where the grub was) but for some reason my sister just opened the carrier and let them burst out. The one got lost for weeks (and we have lots of pradators). Finally one night my sister drove down the road and thought she saw Mabel’s little face in the weeds. She hopped out of the car and the kitty collapsed on the road, near starving and covered with ticks. She’s my favorite. She’s chubby and happy now.
Aww…I’m SO GLAD she was found! Cats really worm their way into our hearts!
That is quite a menagerie!
A crazy cat collection!
We have a fluffy grey and white cat named Tucker. All of your cats are beautiful and I can tell they are well loved.
Tucker sounds beautiful! We once had a fluffy gray and white cat named Pickles. She was super sweet but the clumsiest cat I’ve ever seen. She didn’t have good control over her tail! I can’t tell you how many flower pots she knocked down and broke by just walking by!
I am not a cat fan — neither is my husband. So no cats around here.! LOL I appreciate that cats are cute creatures but I have had some unpleasant experiences with my grandmother’s cats so I keep my distance@
I was surprised to see that cats eat popcorn? That would cool to watch — from a distance of course LOL
Well, that’s understandable. I kind of feel the same about dogs.
Yes, she’s a funny one!
I got three cats, amazing mouse kilers!
Lol! Some of ours are better than others in that department
You have some really pretty kitties. I loved seeing Little Bit. We had a pup names Little Bit and she was the best pup ever. I love kitties and puppies. Thank you for introducing me to all your babies. Lovely family too.
It’s most wonderful to meet you.
Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.
Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. Scritches to all the kitties. ♥
Thank you!!
They are all adorable. I do have an extra big soft spot for gingers.
Same here. 🐱
Oh I sure did enjoy meeting all of your sweeties! I am a relatively new Cat Lady and I proudly call myself a Cat Lady, too! I think they are absolutely amazing and I will never be without a cat or 2 or 3, LOL! On so many evenings they have been our entertainment just watching them interact with each other or getting interested in something and each has their own individual personalities that are so distinct, I think. I sure do appreciate the job they do around our home/gardens/out buidlings. We also spoil them and want them to live their best lives as happy cats. Enjoy your weekend!
Aww…you too! I can’t imagine a home without a cat!
Nice to meet you all. They are all cuties.
You too! Thanks for coming by!
Precious. I simply enjoyed visiting today. Blessings.
Visiting today from Friendship Friday #105
Thank you for coming by and saying hi! That means a lot to me!
Such cute kitties! Love them all.
Thank you so much!!
Glad to see so many cat people out there!!
How fun to meet your cat family!! We have always had a cat — but just one at a time and that was handful enough! The current cat was a rescue, found abandoned on Christmas Eve. We took the cat to the vet right away, the exam showed no problems, just bring back for a spay in a month. We did and got a call within half an hour. Seems as though Missy Cat was really a Manny cat! He responds to the name Rocky and keeps things really interesting around here!
Neat story! Cats really become part of the family!