What do you give an Off Grid Woman?
Sometime or other, if you’re a homesteader, or know someone who is, you might wonder what in the world would a lady wound want who is one of those crazy Off-gridders. An off grid woman is sometimes a mystery to others.
Am I right?
First of all, let me assure you that an off grid woman is perfectly normal—she just lives a little more simply, or something like that! ?♀️
The Off Grid Gal, Pioneer Woman, Off Grid Woman, or Prepper Lady
Whatever you call your Off Grid Woman friend or family member, she has needs and desires!
If a woman is living off-grid, chances are that she would really appreciate something simple, practical, and thoughtful. She works hard, and may value quality, usefulness, and something to make her load a little lighter, but without a lot of clutter!
- Sustainable
- Practical
- Reusable
- Simple beauty
So here are some suggestions! I’m focusing on mostly Winter items for the Christmas holiday season, but practical gifts are always in season! Yes–even for ladies!!
These gifts will focus on non-electric (hence the OFF GRID title) options to keep it simple for the off grid woman!
This post contains affiliate links for your convenience.
Practical Gifts for a Homesteading or Off Grid Woman
For her Home

- Blankets! Cozy throws to snuggle up in on a cold night! I got This wonderful throw at Walmart recently and gave it for a friend. The thickness and softness are amazing!
- Oil lamps or lanterns–great for creating a cozy atmosphere when the power is off. Look at thrift stores or try one like this.
- Anything cast iron! There is something about homesteading people that causes them to gravitate towards cast iron–good quality pieces that can last a lifetime and more! I can’t explain it, but TRUST ME–good cast iron makes an off grid woman (or man) swoon! This first set is an amazing collection for indoors or cooking over the campfire!
- Mason Jars of various sizes–can be used for cute farmhouse decor as well as for food storage and canning! Last summer these were worth their weight in gold! I love these mason jar lights, which Robin, at All Things Heart and Home, demonstrated on her blog. And I’ve recently converted our dish soap and bath soap dispensers into a mason jar dispenser by using these rubbed bronze mason jar foam pumps. This way we should use less soap! A quick Pinterest glance will show you all the fun ways to use Mason jars (besides the obvious–for canning!). I like these jars used as kitchen storage. And—most homesteaders and off grid women actually do can, and a bunch! Someday I will have my own version of a pantry like this!
- Battery string lights–tiny sizes to fit inside Mason jars, larger strings to hang around porches or interior rooms. These can brighten up a reading corner with no electricity. Also known as Fairy Lights, these can be found just about anywhere!
- Kitchen tools and bakeware
- Potholders and kitchen towels–they always wear out! ****A note about towels…The purpose of a towel is to soak up water! Maybe it’s just me, but in our home, we definitely notice that ALL COTTON, or maybe BAMBOO (haven’t tried them) are the way to go! Microfiber and me just don’t mesh! I feel like I’m smearing water all over my hands or counter when I try to use a synthetic towel. If you like ‘em, do whatever floats your boat, but I guess I’m old fashioned. I want natural fibers! And I suspect that other off grid women do too! (I just came across these darling towels and matching salt shakers! Maybe it’s cuz we are doing the whole camper thing, but I’m thinking any off grid woman would love this set!)
- Cute farmhouse pillows! I’m so glad that Buffalo check is in style now. When we get our house, I plan to scatter cheery pillows around my sofas like these! Simple designs like this ever truly go out of style!
For her personally
- Warm leggings or long johns to wear under skirts or jeans, and to sleep in!
- Reusable water bottle
- Something for her Bible–fabric Bible Cover, highlighting pencils, 4 Color pens
- Rechargeable flashlights and headlights. See recommendations on my post Twenty Practical Gift Ideas for the Off Grid Man
Just for joy

- Herbal tea and special mug
- Bird feeder and seeds
- Essential oils and rechargeable diffuser
- Anything home made–home baked treats, soap, or handcrafted items are special. ❤️
Something to encourage her talents–Does she…
- Enjoy painting? How about new brushes?
- Love to crochet? A gift card for the yarn she’d like for her next project
- Make soap? How about new essential oils for fragrance?
- Write? A journal/set of pens/or a coupon for an hour away to just write!
- Garden? How about Muck boots/shoes, gardens gloves, or hand pruners!
- Want to learn the guitar? How about on-line lessons
Because of Covid
- Cute face ? masks
If All Else Fails…Ask!
Ask the off grid woman what would be meaningful to her!!! She may be wishing someone would help her out and buy her a set of cute curtains for her kitchen! She may wish she could get a new stool or cutting board, but wouldn’t spend the money on herself. Maybe she’d value above anything the gift of TIME! Time alone or time with you!
Perhaps you can’t afford to buy her that one item she needs–why not put a little bit of money towards a large item or project and encourage her to add her bits until she has enough! Others may pitch in as well.
This list of 21+ Practical Gift Ideas for an Off Grid Woman is just a springboard to get you going!
I hope you realize that an off grid woman is pretty normal! She has talents to be discovered, and has lots of work just to make the off grid life work, and she is busy! But she enjoys special gifts like any woman! Taking the time to thoughtfully choose a gift for your off grid woman will make her feel loved, and increase her joy!
I recently read this article about Off Grid Women–it highlights some differences between the roles and responsibilities of the off grid woman and man, and shares how these differences bring different reactions to the same event. I found it to be spot-on after living for over two years Off the Grid.
Here’s me (yes, I’m a genuine off-grid woman for over two years now!) with my better half!
If you missed the other articles in this series, be sure to check out
Practical Gift Ideas for an Off Grid Teen
20 Practical Gift Ideas for an Off Grid Man!
Tis the Season!
I share my posts when I can at these Blog Hops and Link-Up Parties. (Listed by day of the week).
I’m not an off-grid woman but I loved so many of your ideas! Family often gets me craft store gift cards and I shop after Christmas–I can buy a lot more treasures when they are the 70% off! It let’s me craft for our church fair, gifts, raffles, and for my craft/vintage booth. AND craftng/creativity fills a hole in my soul,
Gift cards for something you really enjoy are a very practical gift. Love that idea.
I would love ANY of these gifts! What a great list! 🙂 Sharing and saving. Thanks.
Me too! But I had any off grid woman in general in mind.