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Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving day cat

We got to celebrate our Thanksgiving dinner with family yesterday. Our family, plus two more guests, enjoyed the company and, of course, food! Today…the family will get together and visit more while I work.

Peanuts Happy Thanksgiving

My No Cook Thanksgiving

For the first year since I’ve been a teenager, this Thanksgiving, I literally cooked nothing!

This is so unusual for me! Normally, I do a vegan roast with gravy, fresh cranberry sauce, and a vegan pumpkin pie to take to the family gathering. And often other dishes also! (All of those recipes may be found at this post. Let’s Talk Tofurky: A Vegan Family Thanksgiving Dinner?

Cat stealing Thanksgiving Turkey

Not this year!


I didn’t go on strike. In fact, when my husband offered to buy groceries this week, I jumped at the offer. So he brought back a ton of tofu in anticipation of our great Thanksgiving feast. I’ll speak for myself, but I do love tofu!

Snoopy Thanksgiving
Happy Tofu Turkey Day. 😉


I worked the day before, came home with the biggest headache I’ve had since Covid (it honestly rivaled that one) and went straight to bed. I woke up on my day off feeling worse. I tried to bury myself under the covers to shut out the light, but morning activity buzzed around the camper and I eventually donned my sunnies 😎 and emerged.

My head throbbed so much that I literally did not do anything for pretty much the whole day. So much for my cooking plans!

Cat Thanksgiving Turkey

Two of my boys worked with Greg, which left me and Adam at home with my list.

Since I knew I couldn’t tackle that to do list, I told Adam I’d pay him if he’d cook! Works for me and him both!

So, Adam downloaded my recipes and went to work! Boy cooking over stove

Adam, my chef!

I just had to answer his bazillion questions and listen to his chatter, and he did all of the cooking! I could have not done it better myself, that’s for sure!

Adam made the vegan Mock Chicken Loaf, then he made the Impossible Vegan Pumpkin Pie, and after that he made the Fresh Cranberry Sauce He also had to clean up all of his messes from cooking. He did all of this cheerfully!

What a relief to me!

Cat and pumpkin pie

How did Adam do?

I know everyone is wondering how Adam’s food turned out.

We got to Grandma’s, set all of the food out as a smorgasbord, and all of the family and guests served themselves.

Do you want to know which food received compliments?

Everything that Adam made!

I kid you not.

Especially the guests raved about the “dressing”, aka the Mock Chicken Loaf. They had no inkling that it was both vegan and made with tofu!

Thanksgiving dinner
You can’t see what’s under all my gravy, but trust me, it was delicious!


The cranberry sauce was a big hit, as usual! I love that stuff!

But the Impossible Vegan Pumpkin Pie? Which had no crust, and Adam made gluten free?

Our guests raved about that, too, and took seconds! I’ll say that it was a hit!

As usual, everyone got stuffed and went away full.

Happy Thanksgiving snoopy

Game time

Our family always plays a few board games when we get together. So a few played Crazy Dice and some of us pulled out Pictionary and Taboo. We had fun, as those games can get pretty creative.Woman laughing!

My mom just before she tried to confiscate my phone! 🤷‍♀️
Gentleman at table
My dad thinking really hard about a clue
Three brothers playing game
My three sons!
Me and my big bro!

Once in awhile, we enjoy playing Mad Libs, so I thought I’d link a few that I found. These are fun for the whole family!

Thanksgiving Mad Libs

Thanksgiving Mad Libs from Happiness is Homemade

More Thanksgiving Mad Libs from Mom of 6

Longer Mad Libs from Bible Games Central

Thanksgiving Story from Demme Learning

Thankful snoopy

I’m thankful for health and family, for a good year, and God’s Provisions for another year!

Have a great Thanksgiving!

Far Thanksgiving cat
Pretty much sums it up!

8 Replies

  1. Kudos to Adam! You taught him well. I’m glad you got to enjoy your time with your family, despite your colossal headache upon awakening.

  2. I trust you are feeling better. I had a migraine this week after the Booster. And my sister-in-law did all the cooking!! I am not looking forward to getting boosters every six months.

What is your experience? 💜 I read every comment, and so many times I find that I gain encouragement from what’s shared. ❤️