Personal Visits
Today (Sabbath/Saturday) as I reflect on our day, I am thankful. I am content. And I didn’t even take my usual closely guarded nature time.
I’m just gonna be honest and tell you that today started out with me feeling so completely overwhelmed. I’ll blame perimenopause for hormonal imbalances to even out, but I feel that way a lot. Today, it was the church responsibilities, packing a lunch to go, getting ready earlier, and knowing we’d be out all day–these things just made me feel like so much rested on me personally.
We had several events lined up, and I honestly just wanted to go to a park and take a walk and forget it all. I needed to mentally regroup, I was tired of our hectic life, and, you know, just felt overwhelmed with it all.
Hello–I’m an introvert. Being alone recharges me more than a group, and being outside invigorates me more than staying in. So once church was done, I craved solitude. And a nap, which is not normal for me.
Instead, we chose to participate in what was going to be a quick outreach–dropping off some Bible studies for people who’d requested them online. We just had two contacts, both within 10 minutes of the church. I figured we’d drop them off, and have a little time before going to help with Dad.
First contact was not home, so that was surely quick. The next one, however, kind of blew us away. We went two by two like in the Bible–me and Greg in our group.
When the lady came out (and mind you, she had no idea we were coming at all), she burst into tears within seconds of us announcing ourselves. She immediately began to open up about her life struggles and the issues she was trying to make sense of. Many tears flowed, and she told us, perfect strangers, many details of her family life, her own anxious thoughts and feelings, and she introduced us to her precious son.
Our quick visit was at least an hour, but we didn’t mind. We knew behind a doubt that she needed to talk, and God knew that we needed to deliver that package. We felt humbled to just be there at the right time.
Prayer was the only answer, because we can’t fix her pain, but we do know that God can help her.
After that, I tried to snooze just a bit on our drive to pay a visit to a friend of Greg’s, who is suffering from cancer. As we listened to him and his wife share their experiences, we were again reminded that when things get tough, there are really just a few things that are important. Those include faith, family, and health. Visits from friends ranks up there too.
We finally did go see Dad at like 6! He wasn’t doing too well today. Just really tired and wanted to rest, but he did eat some supper. Dad always relaxes visibly when we pray with him before bed. He asks for me when I don’t come early, and I enjoy doing nursing things for him. He’s always sweet and thankful.
After we got home, I realized that the whole day was filled with interaction, outreach, and a lot of talking/visiting, yet it was good. I enjoy getting out in nature, but it was clear that today, that just wasn’t the main thing that was needed. And I feel at peace, because while I hope we brought a little cheer to the people we visited, I know that we came back more blessed than we could have imagined.
As always, God is good.
Welcome to the Sunday Sunshine Blog Hop!
The Sunday Sunshine Blog Hop
This is a place to share some love and spread some sunshine!
The focus of this blog hop will be: anything related to making our homes more sunny and happy! If that’s through homemade cooking, a health tip that will help another, homesteading tips, homeschool successes or real-life struggles, or just whatever God is impressing you with in your home journey, please share it!
Guidelines for the Sunday Sunshine Blog Hop 🌤
- Click on the “Add your Link” Button below and add a great image of your project or recipe. Make sure you link to the page of your family friendly post – not the main page of your blog.
- Link up to three posts each week.
- Try to visit at least a few other blogs at the party. Be sure to leave a comment to let them know you stopped by.
- Link your post back to the Sunday Sunshine Blog Hop. If the hop isn’t linked to your post then you cannot be featured. All featured posts will be shared on my Pinterest/Social Media.
- Please link up posts that you haven’t linked to the hop before. You are welcome to link old posts from your blog.
- By joining the party, you are giving me permission to use one photo from your post with a link back to your site if it is selected as one of next week’s Features.
- This is a family-friendly link up! You are welcome to share home and family-oriented blog posts, focusing on homeschooling, homesteading and homemaking. Christian-friendly content, highlighting healthy life choices to encourage others!
Features for this week!

Truth, Beauty, Goodness, from Journey of Faith

It’s always a pleasure to visit your Blog. Thanks so much for the feature for “Dressed for Fall”. Being outdoors is a gift.
Yes, it is!
I don’t know if you read these comments, but I never can manage to comment on your blog. Maybe it’s something on my end??
What a wonderful day full of blessing, praying for your dad.
I do understand being an introvert and needing to recharge, I am the same way. May you find that rest today 🙂
Thank you. It all works out!
Laurie, thanks so much for hosting. I linked up with #8 Color Me Blessed – Count Your Blessings.
What a great post! Will check it out!!
Laurie, I’ve also been in a season where I need to rest and recharge.
Take care of yourself – you are doing so much!
Inspired by the ministry you are doing.
Sending hugs, love and prayers your way.
You take care too.
You always bless me with your words and what you share.
Thanks so much for hosting this delightful party each and every week!! I really appreciate the time and effort that goes into it along with visiting all the links and choosing Features!!! Thank You!! Stay safe, healthy and happy!!
Thank you, Deb! Have a great week!
Oh Laurie, this is such a beautiful and powerful post. I found my eyes tearing up as I read through. I can relate to being an introvert and craving solitude to recharge. And sometimes when you really need a recharge, you do find yourself in a position where you are needed to recharge someone else. In the end, you do feel so enriched by being a vessel for goodness and you know you were exactly where you were meant to be. I hope you do get a chance for solitude this week. Many blessings to you.
Thank you so much.
Hi Laurie, Thanks so much for featuring my pear bread! Have a lovely week!
You too!!