Our new YouTube channel
 I finally did it!
After many months of my boys making suggestions to me, I finally went ahead and took the plunge.
I launched our new, YouTube channel, with the same name, Ridge Haven Homestead, as this blog.
Here it is!
Ridge Haven Homestead YouTube Channel
So far, it’s not overwhelmingly exciting – – well, it’s exciting to me, but it’s not that amazing,  shall we say. 
At this point we have a grand total of one video, which is our welcome video. In this video, I outline our goals for the channel, which pretty much coincide for the goals on this blog.
Spiffing up the blog
I have been trying to take a look at my blog, how it’s performing, it’s reach, and all of the things that go into it. I actually very much enjoy blogging, but I don’t really feel like I’ve put the research into making it everything that it could be.
Lately, maybe as a result of my job upheaval, and the stage of life that I am in, I am feeling a need to redefined my purpose. Part of that is looking at the things that I’m doing, evaluating them, and just trying to learn ways to make them better.
Proceeding with Caution
I know that there is the very real chance that by starting a YouTube channel, my time will be more divided and that will actually pull away from the blog content. That is not my intention. I’m actually hoping to focus more on being consistent, having a goal in mind, and doing better on the blog.
There have been times when I’ve noticed that I don’t write about certain topics, because trying to explain all the things that we’re doing just is too complicated. A video will represent some aspects better than words and a picture.
On this Off Grid Homestead
Obviously, I am a small part of what gets done in this family. Most of what is actually getting done on and around our off grid homestead is done by our more qualified menfolk.
We will see how it goes. On both sides my main goal is to continue to keep it real to give a glimpse into what life is like living on an off-grid homestead, and particularly from the standpoint of an off grid woman. I feel like that is some thing that I am becoming much more able to explain, now that we’ve gotten a few years of perspective.
So… whether you relate more to the printed word, or a video clip, or the longer more detailed videos that I can share on YouTube, I hope that you will continue to follow along with our Homesteading journey. We are learning so much! And little by little, we are making progress.
Social Sites
Just a reminder, we also do have the other social sites where I do post content. I find that I’m sharing more snippets on Instagram these days. I can give a little glimpse into our life on that platform, but frankly it’s in short bursts. With the YouTube channel, I hope to expand on that a bit
The Facebook page is where I tend to share blog hop features, links to the blog hop and try to have a little bit of engagement with other homesteaders like ourselves.
Links below!
Laurie – Ridge Haven Homestead (Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram)
Types of Content
I don’t know what type of things that you, as my readers are interested in, but when I look at other homesteaders and their blogs, or YouTube channels, I really just like to see what they’re doing. I like to see their projects, how they’ve done things, cheap ways to do them, and I don’t really expect them to be all super duper polished. I do like the experienced homesteaders, but I find that our family just relates more to down to earth homesteads, because that’s really how we are. We aren’t huge, we don’t have a large business, we are just learning as we go, doing the best we can, and seeing how God leads.
If you have anything in particular that you like to read about or learn about, let me know.
Keeping it real
I think we all like to see successes of what people are doing well, but we all know that real life is not always successful. Nobody gets it right the first time every single time. It helps to keep that in mind.
When you blog, Vlog, whatever, all you see is the finished product. What you don’t see is all the edits and the times that they tried and failed, unless they tell you. I kind of like it when they do tell us because then I don’t feel like we’re the only ones making the blunders.
Your turn to share
Let’s do something fun here!
If you have a blog, or a YouTube channel, feel free to add your link into the comment section. That will give me and anyone else who comes along here a little peek into your world. If you don’t have one and you just want to link one that you find particularly inspiring, that’s fine too. I think that my filters will kick a comment out if it has more than one link, so just keep it at one.
If you check it out, let me know what you think either here or there, and let’s just figure this thing out together!
Thanks for coming by!
Now—the blog hop!!
Welcome to the Sunday Sunshine Blog Hop!
The Sunday Sunshine Blog Hop
This is a place to share some love and spread some sunshine!
The focus of this blog hop will be: anything related to making our homes more sunny and happy! If that’s through homemade cooking, a health tip that will help another, homesteading tips, homeschool successes or real-life struggles, or just whatever God is impressing you with in your home journey, please share it!
Guidelines for the Sunday Sunshine Blog Hop 🌤
- Click on the “Add your Link” Button below and add a great image of your project or recipe. Make sure you link to the page of your family friendly post – not the main page of your blog.
- Link up to three posts each week.
- Try to visit at least a few other blogs at the party. Be sure to leave a comment to let them know you stopped by.
- Link your post back to the Sunday Sunshine Blog Hop. If the hop isn’t linked to your post then you cannot be featured. All featured posts will be shared on my Pinterest/Social Media.
- Please link up posts that you haven’t linked to the hop before. You are welcome to link old posts from your blog.
- By joining the party, you are giving me permission to use one photo from your post with a link back to your site if it is selected as one of next week’s Features.
- This is a family-friendly link up! You are welcome to share home and family-oriented blog posts, focusing on homeschooling, homesteading and homemaking. Christian-friendly content, highlighting healthy life choices to encourage others!
Features for this week!
Simply click the image to see the post.

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!
Laurie, congrats on the YT channel, wishing you much success with it! I’m following you there as well as on Fb, Insta, and Pin. Thanks so much for hosting. My entry number is 7. I’m hosting parties this week too, won’t you drop by and join in?
I will try! I did read your RV toilet paper article. Quite a challenge!
Hi Laurie, thank you so much for featuring my August Planner Printables and Congrats on your YouTube channel!!! I will head over right now and subscribe. I hope you’re having a blessed Sunday.
Love the printables!
Thanks so much!!
Thank you for hosting and great job with your YT.
I linked up this week with = 10+11.
If you have not joined us as yet at SSPS do come and share your awesome post/s with us
You will find the linkup information (1) In the Top bar under Blogging: Weekly Senior Salon Pit Stop OR 2nd image In the sidebar. We hope to meet you there virtually.
Thank you for sharing that link. I’ll get over there!
Congrats Laurie. Wishing you much success over on YT. This blogging thing is complicated with so many mediums to focus on. Time management is key. Thanks for hosting us! XO- MaryJo
Thanks for stopping by and thanks so much for the feature!! I gave you a Shout Out on Face Book and will do so in my next post too!! Thanks for again for hosting such a lovely party each week!!! I truly do appreciate it!! I hope you are having a great week!!
Congrats on your YouTube channel and thanks for featuring my DIY pollinator puddler and olla! Blessings, Cecilia @My Thrift Store Addiction
Thank you so much
Congratulations on your You Tube Channel Laurie! I checked it out, Just wonderful, I subscribed too. Linking up at #12&13.