The Redneck way to stir your peanut butter!
I contemplated calling this the Homestead Peanut Butter Stirring Hack. But, let’s face it—we did it this way long before we owned a homestead!
If you buy natural peanut butter or almond butter like we do, you’re gonna need to stir it!
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That oil rises to the top, and the thick stuff gets thicker and thicker on the bottom until sometimes, it’s downright impossible to mix well with just a knife.
**Pro Redneck Tip—store your natural PB or almond butter upside down to make the oil go to the bottom. This makes it easier to stir. This jar was just bought, so it’s not been stored that way! **
You have several options:
- Eat lumpy peanut butter
- Keep on trying with a knife
- Get a handy-dandy peanut butter stirring gadget like this hook thingy, or this lid/cranking one
- Use an Immersion Blender/Stick Blender, which works, but when we tried that we had a hard time reaching the edges of the jar
- Use the “How to stir peanut butter like a redneck” method (recommended highly by any self-respecting redneck)
This is a super fast and surprisingly easy way to take care of that lumpy, bumpy, oily mess so you can get to spreading on your PB&J!
With tools you probably already have lying around!
I suggest using our tried and true “How to stir Peanut Butter like a Redneck” way for several reasons:
- It’s the fastest
- You get to use power tools. More power! (Ever watch Tool Time?)
- It’s cool! 😎
- It blends up the nut butters very well
- You get to lick the spoon!
- Nothing new to buy—you probably already own a drill and a spoon!
- It doesn’t make a huge mess
- Your arms don’t get tired from stirring
- It’s fun to impress people with your redneck hack! Just ask my boys!
- It’s honestly entertaining and fun (for rednecks)!
Now that that’s settled, let’s get right down to the business of how to stir peanut butter like a redneck.
All you need is:

- A drill that’s not wimpy. We are a Kobalt tool family!
- A charged battery
- A spoon that will fit inside the place where the drill bits go (the chuck). Our spoon has a square handle, so it works perfectly. We’ve had these spoons for 21 years (wedding presents).
The brand is not important. Just see if you can fit it into your drill. Pick one up at your local thrift store! Don’t worry—this redneck trick is perfectly safe and won’t shave years off your life like some redneck hacks!
Watch the videos and you’ll easily see how to stir peanut butter like a redneck.
👏🏼 😃 🤠 👏🏼
If you only watch one video, make it this one! ⬇️👇🏽
(Just because it’s the boys!)
See our original version, shared on Facebook It’s a great showcase of young boys and power tools!
And here’s the quick overview of what it looks like.
But for those who want it all spelled out, here you go:
- Attach your drill to the battery
- Open up the chuck, Chuck!
- Put the spoon in
- Tighten chuck
- Insert into open peanut butter jar that needs stirring
- Squeeze, Louise! Squeeze the trigger to turn on the drill and slowly at first just spin away on that spoon!
- Keep the spoon way down inside the jar, but not banging into the sides of the jar!
- Drill, Bill! Just deep drilling and stirring until the peanut butter is smooth!
- Doesn’t take more than a minute usually!
- When you’re done, stop, remove the spoon, and spread that smooth peanut butter onto your toast or bananas.
- Choose the lucky person to lick the spoon!
- Pat yourself on the back—you’ve just learned how to stir peanut butter like a redneck!
- Tell someone else about it!
OMG!! LOL!! I never heard of this!! Thanks so much for all your visits and kind words!!
Stay safe, healthy and happy!!
Same to you!
Thanks for coming by!
This is awesome and hilarious and I’m going to do it just to say that I did!
You do that!
It’s great fun!
Hahahaha, how cool!
I have a cookie recipe with natural cashew butter, and since it goes into the batter, I use a hand mixer anyway.
I know, right?
We do what works!
I had so much fun reading this post. Yes, more power! Great idea. Thanks.
Glad to entertain you!
That is pretty cool! I wonder what else I can use that trick/hack with. We don’t eat much peanut butter here. I am sure there is something! Thanks for sharing!
Haha! I’m sure!
We do eat a lot, so we end up stirring a bunch!
I was trying to remember the last time we had peanut butter in oiur pantry…3 decades ago. I’m sure it’s separated by now!
Oh, well…it might need some attention.
OMG I’ll take the Redneck way any day! As for storing it upside down, I do that with anything that has liquid that sett led on top, especially kidney beans.