Friday Friendship Feature #9. That’s What Friends are For

I’ll be by your side Forevermore. That’s What Friends Are For… I grew up in the Eighties! Somewhere, ingrained in my memory, are the lyrics and music to that classic song, which gives us such a positive lesson about friendship. That’s what friends are for! Well, I’ve seen this attitude displayed many times recently, among…

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Homestead Blog Hop 254

Welcome to the Homestead Blog Hop! Happy Week! This post contains affiliate links Can you feel the hints of Autumn in the air?  I will admit that most days, it feels like Summer is still going strong, but lately, I have sensed that we are inching our way towards FALL—my favorite time of the year!…

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My Friend is Published: Angels All Around

Chicken Soup for the Soul’s, Angels All Around, My Friend’s First Published Book I’d like to introduce you to my best friend, Sandra Hesler. As of today, she is a published author in the Chicken Soup for the Soul Series of books, with their newest title, Angels All Around hot off the press! This post…

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Homestead Tofu Breakfast Scramble

My Favorite Breakfast–Tofu Breakfast Scramble & Taters.  A Plant-Based Feast! This post may contain affiliate links. So I’ve been AWOL again in the blogging community. Life has been so busy. We have two teen boys, and one about to turn thirteen, and we’ve been doing a lot more running around these days with their activities….

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Homestead Blog Hop 252

Welcome to the Homestead Blog Hop! I can’t believe that another week has passed, and we are coming up on the Homestead Blog Hop again! Here at Ridge Haven Homestead Blogging has taken a back seat for me this week, and I’ve not even had a chance to visit my blog at all.  I’ve been…

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Friday Friendship Feature #8–Vegan Burgers & Creamy Cashew Gravy

Recipes for Vegan Oat Burgers, Copy-Cat Arby’s Fries, and Creamy Cashew Gravy It’s time for a Friday Friendship Feature sharing again! Did you miss me last week? I think that life got crazy, and I skipped the feature. I’ve been working on my education to renew my long-lapsed RN license, and every spare minute I’ve…

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