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31 days of Gratitude Challenge

So, what happened?

I made a resolution to count at least one gratitude every single day of this month in a 31 day gratitude challenge. I got to day 7, and by day 8, life kind of swallowed me up.

I am happy to report that although I did not write a blog post to prove it, I did recount a gratitude every day anyway.

Some days I posted as short reel, and then I even became behind with those. I decided to go ahead and make an attempt at catching up.

Since I do not want to make a week’s worth of blog posts, this is my almost-catching up post.

My gratitudes for each day include:

Day 8– Snow—a light dusting.


Day 9–Chores to get me outside in the sunshine

Day 10–Adam and his ingenuity

Day 11–Actual snow—several inches!

Day 12–Icicles

Day 13–Should be here today, but come back tomorrow and I’ll tell you.

Here are the corresponding Shorts to entertain you a bit.

Day 8

Day 9

Day 10

Day 11

Day 12

That’s all!

Keep counting your blessings too!


Ridge Haven Homestead Blog

5 Replies

  1. I live in Western New York and we have had some snowfall. I am grateful that I can go outside and walk in it and take pictures of exactly how pretty the snow is. I especially like to see the snowfall at night, when it glitters in the moonlight. Which reminds me. There’s a full moon today, so I’m going to go and take a peek at it! I’ll probably just stand in the doorway to look because I’m feeling too lazy to put on my boots. But I am grateful for the full moon.

    1. Couldn’t find the original comment area so responding to Alice’s comment.. I am trying to do something similar each day this year, but already missed a couple of days too (thankful for, made me smile , accomplished – just for myself though).. love your videos…

  2. It’s so refreshing to see your honesty about the challenge! Life can get overwhelming, but it’s inspiring how you continued practicing gratitude daily, even without posting. Your small blessings like snow and sunshine remind us to find joy in the little things—thank you for sharing this!

What is your experience? 💜 I read every comment, and so many times I find that I gain encouragement from what’s shared. ❤️