Today is a big day!
Huge, in fact!
Today is THE big day!
The day we’ve been working up to for nineteen days!
Its a pretty big deal for Austin!
First, he’s going home!
Also, it’s his 20th birthday!
Those two events make this day a high day for our family and for everyone who’s been following Austin’s progress since his accident nineteen days ago.
I can honestly say that this probably has been the longest nineteen days of all of our lives. There has been so much emotion. So much apprehension, hope, fear sometimes, and pain. Of course the physical pain was all experienced by Austin himself, but as any parent and family member knows, there is a pain that you feel when someone you love suffers that goes beyond anything else. When they hurt, you hurt, and you feel it in your heart.
(If you somehow missed what Austin went through these last weeks, he rolled an excavator on top of himself, and almost died. God spared him, and for all the details of how that happened, you can catch up on this page—start with the oldest ).
We’ve had joys too–plenty of those! Victories and amazing recovery times. When you think about it, nineteen days is a short amount of time for all of the milestones Austin’s crossed!
- Chest tubes inserted and removed
- Leg surgery
- Multiple resuscitations
- Ambulance transport
- Helicopter transport
- Jaws of life used to extract his body
- Learning to walk again
- Learning to poop and pee again.
- Trying to figure out how to sleep
- Going about ten days barely eating. So…learning to eat again
- Pain management
- Regaining his sense of humor
- Lots of hand/arm/leg therapy
- And just lots of everyday things made challenging with eleven broken bones.
I think he’s doing great!
He’s looking great!
I’ll give you a side by side comparison from beginning to end of his hospital/rehab journey.

Yesterday I outlined Austin’s status and the goals for his continued rehab at home. Surprise, Surprise! Austin’s Recovery Now. He walked a little more Saturday, and he’s chomping at the bit for Sunday and his release!
The Big 20
Austin’s officially out of his teens! And I’m officially the parent of a twenty-year-old. That kind of messes up my phrase that I’ve used for the past 3-4 years–the one where I say we have three teenage sons. 😜
Prayers have been and still are very welcome! Austin’s got a lot of work and time still. We are praying for good therapists to work with him. 🙏
That’s pretty much our latest update.
Like I said, it’s a happy day for this fellow!Here’s the link again for the fundraiser for Austin’s continued needs. Thanks to everyone who’s shared and contributed.Fundraiser link
And now–for all the bloggers, here’s the blog hop to join!
Welcome to the Sunday Sunshine Blog Hop!
The Sunday Sunshine Blog Hop
This is a place to share some love and spread some sunshine!
The focus of this blog hop will be: anything related to making our homes more sunny and happy! If that’s through homemade cooking, a health tip that will help another, homesteading tips, homeschool successes or real-life struggles, or just whatever God is impressing you with in your home journey, please share it!
Guidelines for the Sunday Sunshine Blog Hop 🌤
- Click on the “Add your Link” Button below and add a great image of your project or recipe. Make sure you link to the page of your family friendly post – not the main page of your blog.
- Link up to three posts each week.
- Try to visit at least a few other blogs at the party. Be sure to leave a comment to let them know you stopped by.
- Link your post back to the Sunday Sunshine Blog Hop. If the hop isn’t linked to your post then you cannot be featured. All featured posts will be shared on my Pinterest/Social Media.
- Please link up posts that you haven’t linked to the hop before. You are welcome to link old posts from your blog.
- By joining the party, you are giving me permission to use one photo from your post with a link back to your site if it is selected as one of next week’s Features.
- This is a family-friendly link up! You are welcome to share home and family-oriented blog posts, focusing on homeschooling, homesteading and homemaking. Christian-friendly content, highlighting healthy life choices to encourage others!
Features for this week!

Thank you to everyone who came to participate. ♥️
Have a great week, and feel free to share the hop with others!
Happy Birthday Austin and Welcome Home! Thank you so much for featuring my gratitude post, what a great surprise. I shared the fundraiser on my FB page and will continue to send prayers your way
Thank you so much!!
Happy Birthday Austin!!
” Oh what a difference since Jesus passed by “
“Thank you, Lord, for this day. We were kinda surprised – so soon. But why not? We need to remember, with You, all things are possible. So Lord, Thanks again.”
What a wonderful day! And thanks for featuring my Cinnamon Prune Bread post, I appreciate it.
Happy Birthday Austin! A day marked you will be proud of. Going home. So proud of you. Sleep, therapy, Goals and God all important to be intentional with. Celebrate positives, forward direction, time and you’ll achieve Gods plan.
Proud of you always.
Happy Birthday Austin!! So glad he can go home!
Thank you for the wonderful opportunity to link up here. Much appreciated and thanks for the time to put it all together.
So glad to read that your Austin has come back home and can celebrate his birthday together with you all!
Thank you for hosting, as well, Laurie dear!
Hugs and more hugs to you
X Daniela
Happy birthday to Austin. How wonderful he’s going home! What a fabulous way to celebrate. XO- MaryJo
Oh my gosh I am so very sorry to hear about your son! I can’t even imagine going throught this…~ I have an almost 30 yr old son and 26 yr old daughter, they are my world…LOTS of prayers for Austin and for you and the family! Pray for brighter days ahead!
Thank you so much!! We appreciate that!
Happy 20th Birthday to Austin!! So glad to hear that he is coming home!!
Thanks again for hosting this charming party every week! I know how much time goes into doing so and I want you to know that it I truly appreciate it!! I hope you have a great week!