Welcome to the Sunday Sunshine Blog Hop!
🐸 🌼 ☔️
Spring Peepers, daffodils, rainstorms, mud, and some warm days mean that Spring is really thinking about visiting us! We’ve had a ton of rain, so I’d be happy for that to pass right on by.
Our work many days has been figuring out how to best plane the wood for our walls, then routing the edges for shiplap. Andrew has been doing the planing, but I tried it on Friday. The concept is simple, but the execution was not good for me. My boards didn’t come out looking so pretty and uniform. I’m sure I need more practice, but space in the shop area is limited, and I found it really hard to keep the boards level as they exited the planer, so they got some grooves on the ends. Since I’m not into wasting good lumber, I’m going to have to leave that job with Andrew and stick to other pursuits.
Adam got the walls covered in the pantry and that looks great! Now he’s figuring out the best way to build wall to wall shelving, and to make it sturdy. He will figure it out. Pinterest gives plenty of ideas, but so many don’t look like they’d withstand a bunch of full canning jars, so we have to keep that in mind.
It’s snail’s progress sometimes, but inch by inch does get the job done!
I’m wondering what indications you have in your area that Spring is coming? Little peepers? 🐸 Bright new daffodils or crocuses? Or are you like some areas of the land and still buried under snow?
Now or later, Spring will come! Hold on! Bright days are on the way!
The Sunday Sunshine Blog Hop
This is a place to share some love and spread some sunshine!
The focus of this blog hop will be: anything related to making our homes more sunny and happy! If that’s through homemade cooking, a health tip that will help another, homesteading tips, homeschool successes or real-life struggles, or just whatever God is impressing you with in your home journey, please share it!
Guidelines for the Sunday Sunshine Blog Hop 🌤
- Click on the “Add your Link” Button below and add a great image of your project or recipe. Make sure you link to the page of your family friendly post – not the main page of your blog.
- Link up to three posts each week.
- Try to visit at least a few other blogs at the party. Be sure to leave a comment to let them know you stopped by.
- Link your post back to the Sunday Sunshine Blog Hop. If the hop isn’t linked to your post then you cannot be featured. All featured posts will be shared on my Pinterest/Social Media.
- Please link up posts that you haven’t linked to the hop before. You are welcome to link old posts from your blog.
- By joining the party, you are giving me permission to use one photo from your post with a link back to your site if it is selected as one of next week’s Features.
- This is a family-friendly link up! You are welcome to share home and family-oriented blog posts, focusing on homeschooling, homesteading and homemaking. Christian-friendly content, highlighting healthy life choices to encourage others!
Features for this week!

Thank you to everyone who came to participate. ♥️
Have a great week, and feel free to share the hop with others!

Thanks so much for hosting this delightful party each and every week!! I really appreciate the time and effort that goes into it along with visiting all the links and choosing Features!!! Thank You!! I hope you are having a great week!!
Thank you so much for the feature and for hosting every week. XO- MaryJo
How thrilling it was to discover my Deer in a Clearing card was one of your wonderful Features this week! Thank you so much! Smiles, Linda at Paper Seedlings