Welcome to the Homestead Blog Hop!
Good morning!
It’s a gorgeous almost-Fall day here in upper East Tennessee.
Our garden, pitiful as it was this year, is petering out. That’s ok with me this time.
I did can a few green beans. Like ten jars. While it’s so strange, I think God has had mercy on me during this period of my life.
There will be more beans to can next year, right?
I am just sitting here pondering life, my place, and how to get it together. I have trouble with that last one.
For now, I have plenty to work on.
To prove my above point, while I was typing this blog I post, I received a phone call from Greg. There were questions to answer that required delving into the nitty gritty of last year’s taxes. That’s not my forte, and it makes me want to bury my head in the sand like an ostrich. But I didn’t, and I also didn’t die while swimming in numbers. I did sort of feel like I might have a panic attack, though.
That sums up my love for numbers.
Speaking of ostriches—
I recently got to drive through a wild and crazy animal safari that did include ostriches. I will have to say that the ostriches were the most terrifying of the animals we saw that day, and we didn’t even leave our car! You can see that adventure on our YouTube channel.
If you get the chance to go through an animal safari, I recommend it. The laughs and screams alone with do your body wonders!
With that, I bid you farewell!
Have a great time at the blog hop, and don’t forget to visit other blogs, because that’s the whole point of the hop!

Homestead Blog Hop will take place every Wednesday and is for all things homesteading: real food recipes, farm animals, crafts, DIY, how-to’s, gardening, anything from-scratch, natural home/health, self-sufficiency, self-reliance, natural remedies, essential oils, & more! Basically anything related to homesteading.

Meet Your Hosts!

Follow Their Blogs
Natasha – Houseful of Nicholes (Facebook | Pinterest | Twitter | Instagram)
Laurie – Ridge Haven Homestead (Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram)
Liz – The Cape Coop (Facebook | Pinterest | Twitter | Instagram)
Kelly – Simple Life Mom (Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram)
FEATURED POSTS from the Last Homestead Blog Hop
Each week we take turns choosing three posts to feature. Each post will be shared on all social media platforms by all of the hosts! Here are the features from Last Week’s Hop:
1. Fresh Peach Salsa from Drugstore Divas
2. Fall Front Porch Decorating Ideas on a Budget from Sonata Home Design
3. Apricot Muffins from A Day of Small Things
Congrats! Feel free to grab the featured on button for your post.
Just right click and ‘save image as…‘
Guidelines for this Get-Together:
- Click on the “Add your Link” Button below and add a great image of your project or recipe. Make sure you link to the page of your family friendly post – not the main page of your blog.
- Link up to three posts each week.
- Try to visit at least a few other blogs at the party. Be sure to leave a comment to let them know you stopped by.
- Link your post back to the Homestead Blog Hop. If the hop isn’t linked to your post then you cannot be featured. All featured posts will be shared on all hosts’ social media channels.
- Please link up posts that you haven’t linked to the hop before. You are welcome to link old posts from your blog.
- By joining the party, you are giving the hosts permission to use one photo from your post with a link back to your site if it is selected as one of next week’s Features.
- This is a family-friendly link up meant to inspire and motivate the homesteader in all of us.
Let the Party Begin!
Join Our Pinterest Board
Follow all your hosts on Pinterest and send me a message that you’d like to be added to our Homestead Blog Hop group board. The only rule is to only add posts that you’ve also added here.

Thanks, for hosting, Laurie. May you have a fantastic day and week ahead.
My entries this week are numbered #17-18 and linked back as well.
Hope you will join/share M-Sat at https://esmesalon.com/tag/seniorsalonpitstop/
Laurie, Are you and your family safe???
Debbie-Dabble Blog
Thank you so much for sharing. I had major issues with my garden about four years ago. This year I have pluots raining down and my cherry tree isn’t doing so great. I ended up doing major renovations to my garden. I found a roll off dumpster near me I did it all myself! I was so scared but I think I would rather do that than see an ostrich in my car hahaha!
That ostrich was a nut, but it was all fun! 🤩