Sabbath Stones

Sabbath Ebenezer Stones Our Sabbath Ebenezer Stones“Here I raise my Ebenezer…” In Bible times, the children of Israel were instructed to set up memorial stones, so they could remember God’s care them them. The stones served as silent witnesses to God’s provision and intervention. What better time, than on Sabbath, to reflect on God’s care?…

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Homestead Blog Hop 361

Welcome to the Homestead Blog Hop! Ordinary Days Is it ok that I can’t think of anything spectacular that’s happened in the last week? Honestly, is seems like some days, then weeks are a blur! I guess the main thing is to be ok with times that are ordinary. But don’t be resigned to the…

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Simple Vegan Cheese Sauce Recipe

Simple and Delicious Vegan Cheese Sauce Recipe Since I have been rambling recently about the wonders of Haystacks  (see my post called Let’s Make Some Haystacks!), I wanted to post my recipe for vegan cheese  sauce so it could be easily found.       This post contains affiliate links     Vegan Cheese Sauce We…

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