🐌 Little by Little 🐌
When the boys were younger, we used to listed to a song by Patch the Pirate.Little by little
Inch by inch
By the yard it’s hard
By the Inch, what a cinch
Don’t stare up the stairs
Just step up the steps
Little by little
Inch by inch
How fitting that is for recovery. It’s inches, not miles, where the progress is made. Slow, painful, inches at a time. But progress is still progress, and the inches do make up the yards eventually.
One day Austin will look back on this–right now, he’s staring down the road of recovery and seeing the miles.
Yesterday (Tuesday), I am happy to report, was a little better than Monday. See Over It, Austin’s Recovery Update He did not get any sleep thru the night, but caught a couple little catnaps here and there during the day. The leg swelling was less, so the pain was a bit more manageable.
Physical therapy did not come, which aggravated Austin a little, since he’s become restless of the bed. We did a lot of position changes, and I helped him up once. It’s tricky since he can’t use one whole side of his body. Well—he can use that broken leg technically, but it hurts!
We took matters into our own hands in the afternoon and found a strap which Austin looped around his foot, so he could work on little lifts and stretches. So he did his own therapy.
They are talking about discharge to a rehab hospital for ten days. That’s good news, and sounds like progress. Insurance is working on details there.
Austin’s right arm still does not work, and I’m not willing to transfer him until we can get some answers, so right now that is part of the holdup. It’s been a week, and I’m tired of being brushed aside. Maybe it’ll just take time, but I would like to have the orthopedic doctor actually address it. They said yesterday (trauma team who doesn’t work with bones) that if it’s still not moving in a week, come back for a MRI. Once we transfer, this could get tricky, though, so I’d like a plan before we leave. Have you ever heard of Mama Bear? She has come out a little over this last week.
Small progress in the eating department–Austin actually did eat a yogurt and part of a protein shake. I had to laugh inside–the dietitian keeps trying to sneak nutritional shakes onto his tray, to which Austin has only raised an eyebrow so far.
Last night his tray came with a different drink–a plant-based drink that I’m familiar with, and that I believe actually contains good-quality nutrition. So I reacted positively to that, but still figured he’d ignore it. They also snuck in a cup of ice cream, which Austin has refused before when offered to him.
“Why’d they send me ice cream? I didn’t order that!”
I very casually mentioned that it might make a good milkshake if mixed with the nutritional shake, then left it. I’ve learned that Austin had to think it’s his idea, but sometimes he will take little hints if I don’t push it.
Awhile later, he decided he might like to try a vanilla milkshake, so could I mix it for him? But of course!
He did drink a decent amount of that, so that’s calories! Nibbling on fruit only gets you so far!
We are moving in the right direction!
Little by little–remember?
I just got here Wednesday morning in the wee hours. I’m trying to catch that orthopedic doctor when she rounds. I was mentally grumbling at getting up at 4:30, then I remembered that Austin does this four days a week and doesn’t complain. His work day starts at five, so he sees darkness heading in every work day. It’s amazing how many people are actually up and about at this hour!
Anyway–what I meant to say was that Austin said he did get some sleep last night, and he’s resting now with his eyes closed, so that’s a great start! 👏🏼
I can’t think of anything else right now!
Thank you again for all of the prayers and encouraging words.
UPDATE: the orthopedic doctor actually just came in and mama bear didn’t even need to roar a bit. She’s going to consult with the others in the orthopedic team and they will come to see Austin this morning. They may or may not do an MRI. Austin actually did exhibit a little bit of weakened movement in that arm when she asked him, so perhaps it’s not as bad as it was before. 🤔
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Natasha – Houseful of Nicholes (Facebook | Pinterest | Twitter | Instagram)
Laurie – Ridge Haven Homestead (Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram)
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Kelly – Simple Life Mom (Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram)
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1. How to Attract Bees to Your Garden from Road to Reliance
2. 8 Great Sheet Pan Dinners from Homemade on a Weeknight
3. 17 Ways to Start Apartment Homesteading from Milk Glass Home
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All is progress. Wonderful. I missed the neck brace off?
Yes, do not leave there without the arm answer. Its crazy not to address it.
A meal a day you could offer him restaurant food of his choice. More control.
There is an audio or hard back book called the hidden prince. A very good read that he would enjoy. Audio, hives him independence or you could read it to him. He cannot read right now. To much. But the other would help fill time and give purpose something to look forward to for empty moments.
U r a good ma ms bear! Keep it up!
1 angel mame of your 4 is Gabriel. He is mine. Ive asked him to be there. Hes done this before. All will be well.
Aww…thank you.
Yeah—now that he’s actually eating, he has options!
Neck brace—i forgot to mention that. Will go back and do an edit. They said they want it on when he’s out of bed, but if he’s resting in bed he can leave it off. He has a chipped T1, so it’s more precautionary.
Still in our prayers. I think it is remarkable that they are talking about rehab in just one week after such a life threatening accident. I worked trauma floor/unit at Erlanger, and it sounds like he has made huge progress. Some days a lot more than an inch. Tell him that most people would not be doing as well as he is so soon. I know that’s hard to believe when he is hurting all over. But I’m amazed at how well he is doing. His angel has not taken any time off.
Look forward to your reports every day. Now it’s time to take care of yourself.
Prayers for all of you.
Yes, I agree!
Thanks for the perspective!
Glad to hear Mama bear didn’t have to roar! Also glad he was able to make some movements with that arm.
“One step at a time…”
Love you guys!
Thank you!
Oh yaaay for those steps in the recovery process – (and Mama Bears gotta do what Mama Bears gotta do) ! Continuing praying for steady steps, steady progress – and one day Austin will be at the top of the stairs ! God is good, all the time, and all the time, God is good.
We love you !
Grandpa Dan and Janet
Thank John
Thank you.
I’m so glad to hear he’s making progress. I agree about the arm! I hope you are getting some rest ❤️
Working on it.
Thank you.
Glad to hear that your son will be going to a Rehab facility….I was a Rehab Nurse in an acute Rehab center for 37 years..He will really benefit from it but he has to want to do the therapy which will not be easy so he has to know that if he wants to get through this and get his life back to normal or as near normal as possible, he is the one who has to do it and no one else…If he is not willing to do the work, he will be the one to suffer because of it…I would ask if the hospital where he is has an Ortho specialist that deals with shoulder and arm injuries…A specialist…..Hope this helps….
Thanks so much for hosting this wonderful party each and every week!! I really appreciate the time and effort that goes into it along with visiting all the links and choosing Features!!! Thank You!! I hope you are having a great week!!
Yes you’re right.
He’s motivated. Not saying he enjoys it—but he knows he will have to work.
Laurie I so much appreciate your daily updates on Austin’s recovery. Praise God for His healing touch and His saving Austin’s life.
I also very much appreciate your professionalism (for lack of a better word) in your writing. So many in today’s online culture seem to put out alphabetic characters and it’s up to reader to decipher the meaning. Thank you.
SMH. Ikr? And now I’m rotfl 😂
That would be: shaking my head, I know, right, and rolling on the floor laughing.
I’m not in that world… 😆
Yeah for progress! It sounds like he is gaining much more than inches. I love that he was doing as much therapy as he could even if PT didn’t come. That’s the attitude that will get him better, in time of course. I’m glad that you are staying on them about his arm. Best to get as much stuff figured out at the hospital before transferring to a rehab cause otherwise precious rehab days can be wasted figuring out stuff that should have been figured out at the hospital. Continuing to pray for him and for you 😊
That’s a good point. I know you know. We don’t want to waste time.
I’m so happy to hear that Austin is doing a little better today and that you are making sure they take care of his arm before moving him to the rehab. In past experience with my parents, the rehabs are great and physical therapy is much better. I will keep praying for you, for Austin, and your entire family. I know you will push through this little-by-little, even if Mama Bear needs to roar once in a while to remind everyone who’s in charge 🙂
I don’t like roaring. But you gotta do it sometimes. Quietly.