This Blog. Changes Ahead
I’ve decided to switch gears on this blog. Slightly.
Last Spring, when I began this blog, I wanted a way to share our homesteading experiences, as we set up the property, learned, and grew. I still want that.
But the primary reason for beginning this particular self-hosted blog was to eventually supplement the family income, and lessen the burden for my hard-working husband. I believe I could have done this, and blogging is a great way to connect with new people.
However, although I was diligently posting to this blog, I found that I needed to put my time into my career that was guaranteed to bring in an income now, not eventually. I am a nurse, and last Autumn, I took a part-time job, which has helped us to pay off a credit card, bringing us closer to our goal of being completely debt free. Inch by inch.
So what will become of this blog?
Since working, however, I’ve had less and less time for blogging, a dilemma that has been hard for me to accept. Life is life, though, and you gotta do what you’ve gotta do.
But for those of us who need to write to “get it all out”, so to speak, blogging is not only an enjoyable past time, but, well, a part of who we are. Writing helps solidify our thoughts, and forces us to make sense of those random bits of life that hurtle past us every day.
In the good old days…
When I was younger, on my way to a new and somewhat terrifying adventure in the Amazon jungles, a friend gave me a blank journal. I will admit that my face probably registered a similarly blank expression, because I was not in the habit of journaling. Not then. But he encouraged me to write–even if no one else ever saw it.
As day after day slipped by, I found that journaling helped me to express myself—at least to those silent pages, in a way that I did not know how to do out loud. I found that in writing, I could connect with who I was inside, and with who I wanted to be. I found a way to speak directly to my God, and in the silence, He spoke to me in my thoughts.
In that journal, my friend penned these words from Helen Keller, which ring true, even on the toughest of days:
Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing.
Just Write
I decided that for now, I will just write. No affiliate links or hopes of compensation.I may add in some later if I want to share something I like, but we’ll see. I may even switch back to a non self-hosted blog. My main focus of this blog will just be to write, because I find that when I don’t write, my thoughts get all bottled up inside, and I feel more stressed.
Join us on the Journey
I can’t promise you writing like in my Amazon days…those letters were epic. My inspiration was the wonderful rainforest, the amazing culture, and, frankly, loneliness. But I will share our journey, and it will be raw.
It’s true, you know?
“Life is either a daring journey, or nothing.”
What’s your adventure?

Glad to see you’re still going to write!
Gonna try. That’s all I can promise!
Best wishes with your adventure!