Installing Our Wood Stove

The Wood Stove Project Yep—We heat with Wood! I need to stop saying how busy Life is—but it is what it is, and Life does seem jam—packed these days! So…every step made in the cabin is a step in the right direction! A Wood Stove is a real blessing! We are making little steps on…

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Fired! No girls allowed!

Today I was fired.  Just like that.  Told I should not come back to this job, and that if I did, I’d be chased right away! That’s some pretty rough treatment, isn’t it?  But, I will have to say that I showed up at the jobsite without the supervisor’s approval, and so was never hired…

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Bountiful Blessings of Fall

Little Acorn Boy and I jumped at the opportunity for free green beans for the pickin’ by some of our friends here. We picked and picked and got two buckets full.  Not bad. Little Acorn is a great talker and a pretty good picker too. Next day for part of our school, all of the…

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