Homestead Blog Hop 260 & Encouragement

Welcome to the Homestead Blog Hop! HI! I’m glad you’re here! Do you need an encouraging word?  I do!  We all do!  Some days we just feel our need of a good word more than others! If you’re having one of those days, I hope the following promise will lift you up like it has…

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Friday Friendship Feature #2

Friday Friendship Feature—A time to share an Inspiring Read Sometimes I get to blog hop. I enjoy meeting new bloggers! This week I stumbled across a wonderful post by Shannon, at From the Hearth. The reason I enjoyed this read so much was because I see the truth of her words in our own family….

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Dutch Oven Cooking in the Campfire!

What are your family traditions? One of our special traditions is Dutch Oven cooking! We try to reserve Friday evenings for slowing down, and making a simple meal over the campfire. A Dutch Oven is a perfect way to make a home style meal, and something about the cast iron plus the campfire just brings…

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